

"Caregivers build a relationship with young children that's built on cooperation instead of conflict, trust instead of fear, and personalized needs instead of standardized development milestones."

— Michaeleem Doucleff, PHD


Signal Pine PlaySchool was established in 2020, a year when the Covid-19 pandemic taught us that what we value the most is spending our time outdoors, in all seasons and weather, watching children lead their own learning.

We follow a daily and seasonal rhythm that embraces free-play, time spent outdoors, and child-led exploration of the arts, sciences, and play - naturally provided by the four seasons. We embrace risky-play and age-appropriate autonomy for all children. Additionally, we value meaningful work and will include children in the caretaking of our space, land, and community members.

We serve children ages six weeks old to six years old. We spend as much of our day outside in nature as possible (including mealtimes!)

We are a home-based child care program that is located in Putney, VT.

Non-Discrimination Clause

At Signal Pine PlaySchool, we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender expression, ability, familial status, nor national, indigenous, or ethnic origin. We are committed to celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion through the creation of a safe space for all our children and their families. If you notice something within our website, handbook, or literature that should be different or is problematic for any reason, please feel free to contact Brit Quell at signalpineplayschool@gmail.com and we will work to amend the issue.

As a program, we acknowledge that we live on and benefit from Abenaki land.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

*This is a landline number to be used only
during business hours (weekdays 9am-5pm)


Mail / Located
22 West Hill Road
Putney, VT 05346